
Saturday, March 23, 2013

End of the Season

The season has passed in a BLUR of activity, fun, and friendship.  We celebrated today with the End of the Season party in Palm Park.  It was amazing to see such a large crowd this late in the season but our perfect weather may help folks to stay longer rather than drive back to winter weather.

Our General Manager, Wendell Johnson, introduced a special guest:  John McLaren who is the Chief Operating Officer of Sun Communities.  John briefly talked about Sun Communities and mentioned their Customer Service Philosophy:  "Treat others the way you want to be treated."  

John also told us:  "When you come back in the fall, everyone will be delighted with the projects we have and what we'll be doing this year.  It is a significant investment.  We have markedly improved the quality and appearance of every acquisition we have ever had.  There will be really great surprises for you when you come back in the fall.  I think you will be blown away."

It sounds like I'd better keep my camera battery charged and my keyboard dusted so I'm ready to report progress as it develops this summer.  

Speaking of my camera..........I was really impressed to capture this photo of our acorn woodpeckers way HIGH in the palm trees at the main pool.  It's just a small camera that I carry in my pocket but it has a great zoom lens.  Three cheers for the Canon Powershot.

The woodpeckers bring acorns and store them in the crevices of the palm trees where they can wedge them tight and then crack them open.  You'll find broken acorn shells around on the patio near the pool area.  

For those of you who are headed to your "other home"'s wishing you safe travels.  I know you read this blog but remember that I like hearing from you too.  

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