
Sunday, March 31, 2013

Here they come

Here come the spring flowers!  Some of our desert cactus plants are starting to show their colors.  Aren't they pretty?

I love this deep orange color.
This plant appears to have at least a billion buds and flowers.
Some lucky photographer had his/her camera ready at just the right moment to catch this photo of John Ross and his balloon as he passed low over the course last week. 
 (Sorry I don't have a name to acknowledge credit.)
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Thursday, March 28, 2013


Hello again.  It has been a busy week of "wrapping up" near the end of the season so I just have some tidbits to share today.  First a selfish moment to share this picture of our cat.  She was just watching us from her comfy bed but I thought she looked cute and cuddly so picked up my camera to capture the moment.  

Mike Salter was again a guest speaker at a Windows 8 class this week.  Several folks came because they plan to buy a new computer this summer and wanted a sneak preview as to what they can expect from the new operating system.  Others who have already purchased were eager to learn more about navigating through the tiles and apps.

 I have one more Picasa workshop scheduled for April 4 at 9:30 in the Ocotillo Room.  These workshops are fun because we learn more editing techniques and ways to enhance our photos.  If you have time to join us, just send me an email or sign up in Activities.

*Special Notice:  I made a publication error on March 19 when I announced the trophy winners for the Texas Hold'em tournament.  I typed "The final trophy winners were:  Avis Gray and Don Nunley."  Mr. Nunley promptly let me know that there was only ONE trophy winner and it was him.   Okay, Don, the record is now corrected.  Congratulations.

(Don wasn't really complaining.....he's just teasing me so thought I'd get back at him by posting him here.)  

Oh my gosh!  Look what happens if you don't pay your rent on time!  

This photo of Al and Betty Roussey was sent in by one of our readers who thought it would make a cute joke for the blog.  
Another poker tournament!  This time it was the Omaha tournament of champions.  Congratulations to Jim Jansen (center) for coming in first.  Don Hepler was second, Rick Hendrickson third.  I love it when hubby comes home with all that cash!

While out riding my bike this week, I saw the green heron down in the creek by the water fall.  Couldn't get a nice sharp photo, but this one will do.  
Kent Evans spotted a new bird to add to our list of feathered friends.  He saw these Neotropic Cormorants out on the pond at #13 this week.  Great job, Kent!!

At Bingo this week:  another LUCKY winner.  Ron Dutcher was here for a short time to visit with friends who are staying in the park.  They talked him into coming to bingo this one time to give it a try.  Ron bingoed on the red jackpot card and walked away with a check for $943.  Talk about beginner's luck!!

John Ross is still busy with his balloon rides.  He came over pretty low the other morning so I ran outside to grab a quick picture as he passed over our house.
Hi John!
Speaking of rides.............I asked Ron and Lois Paul if I could have a ride in their cool car.  We rode all around the park and I waved at folks as we passed by.  
Thanks for the ride Ron!  
There seems to be no end to the list of "boys and their toys" at Palm Creek.  Whoever thought that retirement would be this much fun!

That's my post for today.  Now I'm making a second cup of coffee and heading out to the patio to sit in the morning sunshine.  Have a GREAT day everyone.

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Saturday, March 23, 2013

End of the Season

The season has passed in a BLUR of activity, fun, and friendship.  We celebrated today with the End of the Season party in Palm Park.  It was amazing to see such a large crowd this late in the season but our perfect weather may help folks to stay longer rather than drive back to winter weather.

Our General Manager, Wendell Johnson, introduced a special guest:  John McLaren who is the Chief Operating Officer of Sun Communities.  John briefly talked about Sun Communities and mentioned their Customer Service Philosophy:  "Treat others the way you want to be treated."  

John also told us:  "When you come back in the fall, everyone will be delighted with the projects we have and what we'll be doing this year.  It is a significant investment.  We have markedly improved the quality and appearance of every acquisition we have ever had.  There will be really great surprises for you when you come back in the fall.  I think you will be blown away."

It sounds like I'd better keep my camera battery charged and my keyboard dusted so I'm ready to report progress as it develops this summer.  

Speaking of my camera..........I was really impressed to capture this photo of our acorn woodpeckers way HIGH in the palm trees at the main pool.  It's just a small camera that I carry in my pocket but it has a great zoom lens.  Three cheers for the Canon Powershot.

The woodpeckers bring acorns and store them in the crevices of the palm trees where they can wedge them tight and then crack them open.  You'll find broken acorn shells around on the patio near the pool area.  

For those of you who are headed to your "other home"'s wishing you safe travels.  I know you read this blog but remember that I like hearing from you too.  

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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

More Fun Stuff

Another Texas Hold'em poker tournament occurred this week....this time it was the "Battle of the Sexes".  There were 81 participants squeezed into the Adobe Room around the poker tables.  What a challenge to weave through the tables to get to your assigned seat!  I think we need a bigger poker room!

Here are the four top women finalists:  Sally Schaeffer, Nancy Flader, Avis Gray, and Karen

It was certainly a friendly game when Harry leaned over to give Lee a big kiss for letting him win a hand and adding to his chip collection.  :)

Four men finalists:  Lindsay, Don, Lee, and Harry 
Pardon the blurry photos but since I wasn't there with my camera, someone forwarded these from a cell phone.  At least they tried!  :) 
The final trophy winners:  Avis Gray and Don Nunley

Today Mother Nature and the weatherman truly smiled upon us.  It was wonderful!  Perfect weather for sailing remote control boats on our big pond.  It was fun and relaxing to watch.

Here are the ship captains at work.  (Did I say "work"??)

While I was there, I snapped a quick photo of the beautiful flowers!  Thanks again for our deadheader volunteers who work so hard to keep the flower beds fresh.  

The next stop was at Site 662 and 661 to see the beautiful hanging baskets on display.  I accused Dave Barber of feeding the plants a mysterious foreign formula to produce such beautiful plants and blossoms.

Later I followed Fernando over to the golf course to peek at a hidden nest.  Check out mama duck as she guards her 11 eggs.  She did a much better job of hiding her nest this year as last season she laid them right out in the open on the golf course.

Keep your cameras charged and ready for hatch day.  If someone sees the babies before I do, please send some photos my way.

The weather was too nice to stay indoors so we spent the early evening cruising around to find a friendly happy hour.  Yup.  We found one.  Say Howdy to some of the folks we found over on Palo Verde Drive.

These neighbors have a great idea for advertising a happy hour.  Everyone on the street gets an orange cone like this.  When your yard is open and available for company, you put out a cone on the curb and everyone brings a lawn chair with drink in hand.  The orange cone is a warm invitation.  

To summarize, it was a beautiful day!  Lots of fun, adventure, and friends!

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Saturday, March 16, 2013

Doggie School, Roadrunners, Craft Fair

One would feel very honored to have a pair of young roadrunners using your patio light fixture as an evening resting spot.  It looks a bit crowded and perhaps uncomfortable, don't you think??  No place for those long tails.  Thank you, Laurie Dale for sharing this photo!!!  
I took some nice photos at last week's craft fair and forgot to post them.  Never too late though.  It was the last fair for this season so attendance was high.  I took the photos from the stage so I wouldn't get trampled.

It was nice to see Sharon Marchant here again.  Sharon has stayed at Palm Creek for several seasons until they recently moved to Tucson but she and Larry return for our craft fairs plus Sharon still teaches her beading classes whenever available.

Karen Rust recently graduated another group of canines from their agility and training classes.  Terry Meyers takes some awesome photos of the pups at work.  These are the pictures from 'graduation day' on the 12th of March for the Intermediate Agility class and the Foundation Skills class.

Dogs AND owners have a GREAT time!

 There are many many activities occurring daily at this resort.  Carol Stuart sent a couple pictures of us at the duplicate bridge tables so thought I'd post a couple here too.

So long for today, folks.  I'll probably see many of you cruising around at the patio sale tomorrow.  

The room was full of pregnant women with their husbands.
She said, "Ladies, remember that exercise is good for you. Walking is especially beneficial. It strengthens the pelvic muscles and will make delivery that much easier. Just pace yourself, make plenty of stops and try to stay on a soft surface like grass or a path."

"Gentlemen, remember -- you're in this together. It wouldn't hurt you to go walking with her. In fact, that shared experience would be good for you both."

The room suddenly became very quiet as the men absorbed this information.

After a few moments a man, name unknown, at the back of the room, slowly raised his hand.

"Yes?" said the Instructor.

"I was just wondering if it would be all right if she carries the golf bag while we walk?"

This kind of sensitivity just can't be taught.