
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Tuesday - Compost Photos

The compost program has been a fantastic success story for Palm Creek.  This weekend they brought in this huge screening machine which sorts the compost by size particles.  Amazing to watch it in action.


The texture coming from this front end is perfect!

This side gets run through the screen one more time to break up small clumps of soil.

That back grate is called the grizzly because it screens the larger chunks that get pushed off to run through again.

Composting our palm fronds, bush trimmings, grass clippings, etc has saved Palm Creek thousands and thousands of dollars plus we're kind to the environment because our green refuse is not going to the landfill.

Last year Jim said we bought over $10,000 of steer manure to spread on the course for reseeding.  This year we should be able to supply our own product for additional savings.

This finished product is amazing!  It smells like rich fresh soil.  No compost smells whatsoever and it has a perfect moisture content.  This is what will be used for the grass at the softball field.

Perfect medium for our gardens too!  Jim has planted the gardens himself this year and the plants are really coming along well.

Look at the nice pepper crop already.


Multiple kinds of lettuce and other goodies are planned.'s time to get the shuffleboard courts ready for action.  The season is approaching!
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Have a great day and rest up so you're ready to play when you get here.