
Monday, September 24, 2012


Good Morning, Readers!  Welcome to another Monday morning tour around the park.  Things are really kind of quiet this morning for a Monday.  

Work progresses on Cottonwood.


The cement company is busy putting in the forms for the walkway between courts.

The pool company is adding chemicals to the main pool.

It's always fun to stop and chat with the work crews we meet.  Say Hi to Kevin.

Not many other noteworthy pictures to post today but I love this sign we found in one of the houses we watch.  Thank you Mac and Char for sharing.  This is a great motto for our age.

Diane Nelson from Site 220 sent me this cute cactus photo to share with you.  Now I expect to see some little sombreros popping up around our resort.

I checked the weather forecast this morning.  No more triple digits in the forecast!  Yahoo!  Nights should start to cool down to the upper 60s.  What a welcomed relief!!  We see more and more people showing up. This should be a big weekend coming our way with an influx of travelers.  How exciting!  Have a good day.
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