
Saturday, August 04, 2012

Quiet Saturday Morning

Good Morning, Readers.... all 635 of you that checked this blog yesterday!
This morning (Saturday) the big tonka toys are mostly at rest.  There are a few closing and smoothing out the trenches but the big boys have the day off.  Those big machines remind me of sleeping giants awaiting another chance to get out in the field to dig.

Our PC crew is busy finishing their share of the wall around the pickleball courts.  They dug the trench, put in the concrete footings and rebar, and are installing the first three layers of bricks.  Now they're cleaning up the area by leveling it, clearing away the excess dirt, etc.  The next stage will be the concrete company.


These first layers are critical for getting a nice even wall.

I took this photo of Eddie yesterday as he was spraying a nest of bees.  Looks like hazardous duty as the swarm was angry with him.

These last two are just some nice pictures we took as we were doing recent housewatch chores.  Nice view.

That should be my report for the weekend.  Sunday is a day of rest.  Think I'll turn into a couch potato tomorrow or curl up with a good book.  Have you read James Patterson's newest:  "I, Michael Bennett"?  What did you think of the ending?
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