
Monday, August 06, 2012

Monday Morning

Good Morning, Readers, and a happy Monday to you.  We had quite a thunderstorm last night with plenty of blowing dust and thankfully some rain to follow it and rinse things off a bit.  No damages anywhere that we found on our rounds this morning.  A few places with loose siding but it was easy to pop back into place.  There were a few run away BBQ covers but we were able to retrieve them and send them home again. 

Don always turns on his police scanner to listen for newsy happenings.  He said they had several telephone poles struck by lightning and the traffic lights at Trekle and Florence were out.  We had one loud BANG of thunder at 10:00 pm that really sounded close but we didn't see any signs of damage this morning so don't know where it struck.  It was certainly a loud one though!

We didn't see a lot to take photos of out in the construction area.  They're definitely busy but not many photo opportunities.  We took these pictures from the patio of Site 28 so I'm guessing that is as far as the wall will extend around the pickleball courts. 
The ditch witch vehicles are busy digging trenches for the sprinkler system over on the ballfield.  All the little flags indicate where sprinkler heads will be placed.
This crew was looking through a set of blueprints.  Look how nice our PC crew cleaned up this area over the weekend.  All is nice and smooth, dirt piles and excess bricks hauled away.  Looks like it is ready for the next stage of construction.
Fernando and Ernesto were overseeing the action.
That's all I have to far.
After our rain last night, the humidity jumped up to 60% this morning making my joints ache.  I thought this cartoon was quite appropriate. 

The weather channel has posted an excessive heat warning for us for the next few days.  107-111 degrees daily.  Ouch!
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