
Sunday, July 22, 2012

Quiet Weekend

It is a quiet Sunday night after a quiet weekend.  We are in the height of summer monsoon season so we commonly have some pretty high winds in the afternoon with a healthy dose of blowing dust..........and occasionally a little rain but not enough to brag about.  It was a nice evening tonight with a mild 87 degrees so I hopped in the cart for a little tour all by myself. 

Tis the time of year for the barrel cactus plants to bloom.  We have some orange ones.....(site 1079)

Some red ones............(site 143)

and some yellow ones.  (site 1822)

I can't say a barrel cactus is really an attractive plant but I do enjoy their flowers......and so do the bees.

Don and I went to Chick-Fil-A for a quick sandwich just as my cell phone alarm went off announcing an approaching dust storm.  Here it comes.

The dust was rolling in thick clouds.  Glad we weren't out on 10.

By the time we got home it was blowing well.

Dust storms are so strange because there can be beautiful blue sky above them.

The radar showed some heavy rain in the area, but sad to say most of it went around us. 

Cute love birds (white winged doves).

Curve billed thrashers sitting in a cactus at 1017.  They're just a plain brownish gray bird with that curved bill but they have a beautiful song.

And here are birds of a different feather ...or fur.  Say hi to Toby, Muffin, Henry, and Villa -- and to their care takers on the benches.

The sky was beautiful tonight but, of course, you just can't capture it on camera.  At least I can't.

That concludes the story of our quiet weekend.  Tomorrow the big machines will start up again and we'll get to see some progress.  Till then........
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