
Monday, July 23, 2012

Back to Work on Monday

These photos are from this morning (Monday, July 23) and as you can see we're back in fast action.  Big tonka toys are running around like ants busy as can be. 

We're to the leveling stage now so the layout is becoming more obvious.

They pick up the dirt from the court area and are dropping it over by the new home sites where it gets leveled off.

The surveyors are out in force taking constant accurate measurements.

We could see Jim Dawson off in the distance patroling the area.

This is definitely a walking tour.....I'm glad I got to go in the truck.  It may be early morning, but it is HOT out there in the sunshine.

I have another video showing exactly how the blade truck scrapes up a row of dirt and then the earthmover picks it up.  Fascinating to watch.
Earthmover in Action

Thanks again, Bill Murr, (Site 28) for the use of your patio.  Too bad you couldn't have left the cushions on the chairs and a cooler of ice cold drinks.  :)  This is the greatest show in town right now!

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