
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Summer Begins

T'is spring time in the desert and the cactus are strutting their stuff with colorful flowers.  The prickly pear come in various colors and must have had a great season as they're loaded with blossoms.  The petals of the flowers are real waxy in their effort to retain what little moisture they have and are the bees are happy.


The ever present weeds are they're usual nuisance.  The park landscape personnel are busy at work to keep the weeds down.  I'm so pleased to see how they also control the weeds in individual sites or the resort would be looking quite shabby by summer.

Moving day for the softball field has started.  The fence is coming down.
The storage area for RVs has been moved to the far north end  to make room for all the new construction.

Meanwhile, water aerobics is going strong as we enjoy the beautiful sunshine.
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