
Saturday, April 14, 2012

Looking for a good home

I received (another) strange phone call today from a man who said he and his wife found a little parakeet out on the golf course.  Evidentally the little guy is quite tame as he is now in a nice new cage and has plenty of new toys and a good home. it is time for the long journey back to the home state and the little bird can't go along.  Would anyone like to adopt him?  Call Jerry at Site 267.  Free bird with cage, toys, and food included.

I spotted this cool golf cart over by the golf course this week.  See Mike and Janet Weese at Site 1859 for a cute story about the history of their cart.

Mama Killdeer is carefully guarding her nest of four eggs.  They're so well camoflaged you can hardly see them as they lay flat in the gravel.  She is directly over the eggs.  See if you can spot them.  When the young hatch, they are as cute as can be.  They look like little golf balls with legs as they scurry about in search of bugs.