
Sunday, June 26, 2011

Triple Digits

Okay…..I’m done bragging about our beautiful spring weather.  Need I explain why?

temp blog

Normally, Don and I always have our first cup of morning coffee out on the patio before the temperature rises but when I awoke at 6:00 this morning, I could hear the air conditioner still working so I just rolled over and went back to sleep.  No cool temps on the patio any more for a while.  When it gets this hot, the AC never shuts off even though we keep it set at  80.  Would you like to trade electric bills with us for the summer?  I’m really anxious to hear results from those who opted for the new solar systems.

I came across the APS guy (Arizona Power System) while he was out reading meters the other day.  Some of the reps stay in their truck and read meters through binoculars but this young gent opted to walk the route.  He has a little electronic gizmo with him that doesn’t measure mileage but does count his steps.  So far that morning he had logged 7,486 steps.  I’m betting with temps this high he’ll be back in his truck next week.

APs 7,698 steps blog

Also came across this gorgeous creature the other morning as he dined on the remains of one of our precious morning doves.  It was probably quite comical watching me sneak from one building to the next as I tried to get closer.


vulture blog


Now that we seem to have the drain flies under control, there are still occasional surprises as we do our house watch errands.  Found this little bugger in a sink.  Though I hesitate to needlessly kill any of Mother Nature’s little critters, this fellow soon met his demise as I wasn’t going to gently lift him out of the sink for release.  (Thank goodness for a zoon lens.)

Weyant 1120 scorpion

Here is just a casual picture of the palm tree by my driveway. 

palm tree blossom blogIt tells two stories.  1)  The palms have summer-time branches of pretty white flowers, and 2) the trees will really need a heavy duty haircut this fall due to all the dead branches from the heavy winter frost.  The trees up at the club house bear fruit each year that can really mess up the sidewalk so it looks like they’re getting a head start on trimming there to avoid the windfall.  This crew climbs up and then scoots down via a rope repel system or zip line.  It’s a long way up there!

Tree trim blog

Tree trim blog

Tree trim blog

In years past, all this debris would be hauled to the city landfill.  Don was known to sometimes make 6-8 trips a week during trimming season.  Now these branches go to the composting site at the far north side of the park where it is turned into valuable mulch saving the park thousands of dollars over a season.

Do any of you readers know what kind of tree this is??  It has the strangest fruit.  Never saw it before.

Flader 1841

Flader 1841

I hear we’re going to have a BIG new puppy park by next season located out near the garden area.  The site is leveled off and has some little flags up marking the perimeter.  I guess there will be some kind of fence or barrier to surround it but I don’t know any details yet.  Right now it just looks like flat dirt but I’m certain when it’s done, the dogs will be happy for a larger place to run and play.

future dog park blog

Speaking of play………..we spotted this cute golf cart parked up at the north pool the other day.  Cute, huh!

golf cart blog