
Tuesday, June 28, 2011


temp blog    

No……this is not the same picture I posted yesterday.  This is from today and it will probably look the same again tomorrow and the next day and the next day.  sweating

With the weather so hot outdoors, it is nice to have an opportunity to get out (to someplace cool), mingle with friends, have a good meal, etc. etc.  Today was a pizza lunch as a thank you to all the Palm Creek employees and volunteers.  Residents were welcome to join in too but they had to buy a ticket.  No problem.


We cooked up 18 of these monstrous pizzas and served them with a yummy Caesar salad, big cookie, and some ice cream bars.  Linda and Diane wanted the pizzas to be a little special of course, so we added 12 pounds of shredded cheese, an extra layer of pepperoni, and a couple cans of mushrooms.  Yum.  There were at least four different kinds of pizzas to choose from.   Washing all those pizza pans was a chore but we always manage to have fun, smile, and laugh a lot.   I was too busy to get a lot of photos, but we passed the camera around the kitchen a couple times for some fun laughs.

employee lunch

employee lunch

employee lunch

employee lunch

employee lunch

employee lunch

employee lunch

Our maintenance, landscape, golf course, and housekeeping crews definitely deserve a nice luncheon and respite from the hot weather.  Their chores are hard work and it is HOT outside these days.  When you come back to Palm Creek this fall, you can enjoy all the fruits of their labor as they strive to keep the park looking its best for us.  There are always items that need refreshed, replaced, updated, etc. etc. 

Crews are still working on cleaning out the creeks that run through the golf course…..and what a job that is!  We watched for a while yesterday as the guys moved some of the huge rocks along the edge, shoveled out mud and sludge, and spray washed the channels.  I think they’re rearranging some of the large boulders so crews will be able to mow and trim a lot easier.  That long creek is a very labor intensive job to keep the grass trimmed close.

creek blog

creek blog

creek blog

creek blog

creek blog

creek blog

creek blog

creek blog

Meanwhile, more trimming is occurring over by the rose garden.

tree trim blog

Picking up all those palm branches is no easy chore either as each branch is lined with sharp thorns along the stems.

The flowers in the bed in front of our house are definitely on their last legs now that summer is upon us.  They should get pulled for the season but I don’t have the heart to disrupt the little jungle our tree lizards are enjoying.  We love watching the little critters as they scurry around catching bugs and basking in the sunshine.  We’ve seen as many as five at a time and love watching their antics as they chase each other around and do their little lizard dances.  They’re quite camera shy, however, or I’d have video for you to enjoy.

lizard blog

I received these next couple photos from Kent and Leslie Evans today.  Their park model is over on the golf course by the big pond on #13 so they’re my wildlife photographers for the birds and critters they see there.  Here is their latest contribution.






That’s my story for today.  Hope you enjoyed it.  Thank you for signing my guestbook at the top of the page.  Your comments keep me motivated to write more often and I love seeing where you are for the summer.  Remember to click on “guestbook” at the top of the main page.  Thanks, and have a GREAT day!