
Saturday, June 26, 2010

Summer has arrived!

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Here is a photo of the thermometer on my patio…and yes, it is in the shade well protected from the hot sun.  I’m afraid this will be a typical picture for the next couple months.  With daytime temps this high, the ground doesn’t have enough time to cool down at night so evenings remain in the 80s or 90s.  We’re still on the patio for EARLY morning coffee, but that too will disappear before too long.  The swimming pool is certainly inviting each morning and evening though.  Afternoons are perfect for a nice secluded siesta in the cool air conditioning.

We set a new weather record this week when the humidity was at an all time low of 2% (that’s TWO percent).  Those of you suffering from the 80s and 90s back east with your 60-80% humidity will be envious.

Another fun way to spend an afternoon is to head up to the Zuni room and decorate bags for the cancer drive luminary project.  Volunteers will try to decorate 5000 bags for this worthy fund raiser.  Decorating sessions are sorta like Girl Scout and summer camp projects with lots of laughter and camaraderie. 

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