
Monday, June 28, 2010

Just another day

It’s just another Monday here in our little corner of the world.  I remember how hard it used to be to get out of the bed on Monday mornings knowing I was facing another full work week.  My, how that has changed since retirement!  This morning I again woke at the crack of dawn and was anxious to get up and start enjoying the day.  It’s still quite pleasant in the mornings so I can enjoy a nice bike ride around the park or just an extra cup of coffee on the patio. 

I’m not the only one that rises early.  Most everyone that resides here gets up to enjoy the cooler temperatures.  I can hear the plink plunk of the pickleball players, neighbors out blowing and sweeping off their patio from all the palm tree pollen and fallen petals, the maintenance and landscape crews scurrying past on the way to the day’s chores.  Pet owners are out walking their dogs while the pavement is still bearable for their puppy paws. 

Don and I have returned from our morning housewatch chores and I’ve emailed a quick message off to our customers letting them know their homes are safe and secure.  We do a few houses each day and truly enjoy the time together with the project.  My camera gets a good work out as I try to take occasional photos of each home we’re watching.

Today we took some leisurely time to watch the landscape crew at work.  The back nine looks VERY nice right now with its lucious green rich color.  It is certainly not an easy chore to keep it looking this nice in our hot dry climate.

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The front nine is “under construction” being aerated along with some drainage repair issues but has still been playable.  I figure it gives the golfers a good excuse for a higher score and also gives them something to complain about.housewatch course 002

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