
Monday, June 21, 2010

Happy Father’s Day

More good food to talk about!  The park held a dinner to honor Father’s Day and treated all of us to a delicious spaghetti dinner!  The spaghetti was awesome and we certainly had large portions to fill us up along with the variety of breads, rolls, salads and desserts brought by all who attended.  A large screen was set up and showed some very amusing video of old Red Skelton shows.  It was another successful event. 

Thank you Diane Gaines and Linda Balzan for cooking the spaghetti!  It was GREAT!

fathers day 002 fathers day 001 fathers day 003 The palm trees are still doing their blossoming thing.  The bud stalks on the tree at our site burst open over night so we were treated to the pretty white flowers at morning coffee.  The new flowers are covered with buzzing bees to collect the abundant pollen.  Thank goodness the trees are tall and keep the bees up high.

The photo below shows three stages of the growth.  Green stalks on the left, brown stalks as they dry up, and on the far right are the stalks that have split open and show their flowers.  As summer continues on, the bottom fronds of the trees die and hang down waiting for their autumn hair cut.  It is a never ending landscaping chore to keep the trees in prime condition for our winter visitors to enjoy.

fathers day 013

Have a GREAT day!popcorn