
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Another Pleasant Morning

Did you know we have a turtle living in the big pond by four-way stop?  He can typically be seen basking in the sun out on the water fountain station at the center of the pond but Sandy was able to capture a photo both on the station and on the shore!  Thank you, Sandy, for sharing this Kodak moment.
P1030396 P1030398No, I don’t know how old he/she is…I don’t know how long he/she has been living there, I don’t know how he/she got there, I don’t know what kind of turtle he/she is…..and I obviously don’t know if it is a HE or a SHE.  If any of you readers know the answers, send them my way.  Its always fun to scan the pond to see if “Turtle” is present.
Speaking of turtles and interesting characters found at our lovely resort…I came across this group this morning while out on our morning errands.  Say Hello to “the boys”.
housewatch 002 Max8
 Have a GREAT day!