There are some important events coming up that are not listed on the January Activities calendar. One, in particular, is near and dear to my heart. 😍
At a recent organizational meeting, I was VERY impressed with the number of really nice donations that will be used for raffle items at this event. A bake sale will also be included and some are planning gluten free items and recipes with low sugar content. Lots of goodies to choose from!
Don't spend all your money at the patio sales that morning. Come to our event and support the program that keeps our "working cats" healthy.
The iPhone classes I've been presenting have been very popular. We've received lots of positive feedback.
Our Tuesday morning coffee was very interesting and informative. Gabby (our GM) was available to answer questions too.
There are five more new homes to be arriving in January. The goal is to fill in the empty lots on some streets in the new section.
The open seating for the tribute shows was discussed. The Fleetwood Mac show was the first time to try open seating. The start time misprint on the tickets lead to more confusion. Because of that, some folks who arrived expecting a 6:00 start time were told they could leave their jacket on chairs to reserve their spot and then come back for the show at 7. Hopefully, that type of confusion will be resolved for other shows this season. Gabby said next season's ticket book will definitely list which events are open seating and which are reserved so you can pick or choose which to attend. Despite the seating issues, all reports of the concert were positive.
The frustration of internet service was mentioned. Gabby assured the audience that this topic has been discussed at the highest level of Sun management.
There were over 200 people at Monday night bingo this week so game payouts were $80+. Ticket sales start at 6:00, games start at 7:00. That leaves you time to stop at the bistro for snacks!
P.S. Don't forget to check out the awesome informational website at