
Monday, January 20, 2025

More About Cats

 The TNR Fundraiser was a lovely success!  Over $4100 was raised so the team will definitely be out tracking any newborn kittens that are encountered.  After a cat has been through the process, the vet will clip the tip of the left ear so the cat can be recognized.

There are residents who do not like any feral animals in their yard.  If this is the case:

  • Remove Shelter: Cats seek out places to hide and rest. Trim bushes, close off spaces under decks or sheds, and remove any piles of debris.   
  • Rough Surfaces: Cats dislike walking on rough surfaces. Consider using pine cones, pebbles, or plastic sheeting with nubs in areas they frequent.
  • Citrus Scents: Cats dislike citrus smells. Place orange or lemon peels around your yard or use citrus-scented sprays. 
  • Plant Cat-Repelling Plants: Some plants like Coleus canina (commonly called "Scaredy Cat" plant), rue, lavender, and rosemary are known to deter cats.

  • Feral cats can minimize rodent problems and are a “green” alternative to pest control. Feral cats keep their populations in check and discourage new rodents from moving into the area.  
    An established, vaccinated, and sterilized colony of feral cats will deter other stray and feral cats from moving into the area. This actually decreases the chances that people will encounter an unvaccinated cat, and will virtually eliminate problem behaviors like fighting, yowling, spraying and roaming.

    Of the four kittens that were trapped at our site, only one keeps returning. Casper is Scooter's girlfriend as she keeps coming to visit. They play together through the outdoor condo we have and Casper comes to the window to say hello. She won't come in the house and she won't let us touch or pet her, but she is certainly adorable.

    We spotted a coyote on the golf course today!  Lots of folks are surprised at first glance till they realize it is a decoy.  Do you think it will scare away the ducks??

    Every year the Casa Grande Library holds it's annual Book Sale.  Mark your calendar.

    Don't forget the Palm Creek Community Chapel held every Sunday in the Ballroom at 9:00 a.m.  Non-Denominational.  Everyone is welcome!