
Wednesday, August 14, 2024

August Update

I haven't written for quite a while.  I'm still waiting for my left leg to heal after knee replacement surgery.  <sigh>  I feel very house bound.  At least now I can get out to the clubhouse for some card games but I still have to be careful about leaving the leg down for too long or it swells up all over again.  Patience!  

The Adobe Room was closed for a week while a crew came to refinish all the poker tables.  Should really look nice when completed.

Now if we can ask all players to use some caution and not jam their chairs into the tables.

Poker was canceled during those days but other card games, mahjong, and Mexican train continue.  There are round and square tables available in Sonora North.  


I've had several residents write and ask for a copy or the August newsletter or a link on the corporate website.  I can't find a link on there either but I can attach some copies I took myself.

And of course, our weather remains HOT and the forecast says "Continued HOT".  I just pulled up Weather Bug.....lo and behold....the forecast is below 110 for the first time in weeks!  

We've had a couple thunder showers in the past 2-3 weeks but no true measure of rainfall.  Plenty of dust and debris flying around so its hard to keep the place looking clean and pristine.  The streetsweeper could go down the street today and an identical mess would reappear the next day.

That's all the news for today...other than a quick look at how much Scooter has grown.  Now he fits all the way across my chair.

Kat still tolerates the little monster.  Here Scooter uses Kat's tail for a pillow.

He's really adorable....when he's asleep. 😃