
Saturday, June 29, 2024

Second Monsoon Storm??

 Our WeatherBug alert went on Friday night and warned of a potential storm headed our way.  It may have "stormed" somewhere nearby but, unfortunately, not much here.  We did get .03 on the rain gauge and at least received enough moisture for a rainbow.

The afternoon sky was beautiful.  I was coming home from the card room on my scooter and just had to stop to try to get a picture.  It was soooo pretty.

A group of us are going to Harkins Sunday to see the Horizon movie with Kevin Costner.  We'll post a review next week for you Costner fans.

This will be my last outing before my knee replacement surgery on Monday.  Right knee was done on March 28.  Left knee scheduled for July 1.  Can't wait to be upright with TWO good legs after mending.  Will keep you posted.  

I've learned that I must post Scooter pictures at the end of each blog entry or I get complaints from our readers.  We received some new towels in a big plastic bag this week.  OMG!!  Scooter is absolutely delighted with the plastic bag.  I put one of his jingle balls inside and it entertains him for a long time.  He chases it across the floor, jumps on top and slides across the room.  So fun to watch.  BUT....we learned that we must pick it up when we go to bed at night as it is a very noisy toy in the middle of the night.  😖

There's no such thing as a closed door to a kitten in one of these park model homes.  😸

Yes.......kittens are adorable!
