
Tuesday, June 04, 2024


Ballroom Cafe Menu:

Wednesday, June 5, Bacon/Swiss Burgers

Friday, June 7, Tomato Soup & Grilled Cheese Sandwiches

Come support our food service!



John McGuire is an avid citizen of Casa Grande.  He stays very current on city and county government and has become the news source to the public.  John was here at Palm Creek last summer as a guest speaker in our education seminar series.  I saw this update from him on Facebook this morning.

Casa Grande Info & Perspectives

John McGuire

SO - I have now seen the first "official" documents that have been submitted to the city regarding the update of the old CG Mall. These documents make the first official mention of Hobby Lobby.
These are not "site plans" with renderings etc. - but rather "site improvement" request plans - basically outlining the demolition requests and how the center will lay out.
First of all - to the sadness of some - the buildings will NOT be demo'ed completely. I am sure cost was a major factor in that decision. The developers must feel comfortable they can attract some decent tenants by just upgrading the existing structure.
Again - this is all preliminary - but the plans show the old K-Mart - which was approximately 100K sq feet - being split into two parts - the part closest to Pueblo Drive will be approximately 45K sq ft - and there IS a possible tenant coming into this space - but I am not yet comfortable enough releasing that name. (Remember my #1 goal here on the group is never be the cause of someone NOT coming).
Then - the OTHER half of the old K-Mart will be a 54,000 sq ft Hobby Lobby - which is about the average size for any of their stores.
As part of this - the front part of the old K-Mart facade where the doors are, as well as a few, but not all of the smaller suites will be demo'ed and that entire frontage will get a new facade and parking will be moved right up to it.
The remaining buildings will be improved etc. up to the Oil Depot/Wash n Roll - which will not be a part of the initial renovations.
No other tenants have been announced yet for those buildings. Some will be office, a few suites will be small retail like they are now, and then there will be 3 or 4 "mid-sized" stores between 15K and 25K sq ft in size.
SO - that is all I know for now. Again - no "renderings" or anything with the architecture styles or anything are out yet.

Talk about new technology!

We have had an automatic litter box for our cats for several years. We thought it was wonderful. After 7 years of loyal use, it finally broke down and couldn't be repaired. Because Don is in charge of litter removal, he immediately turned to the internet to order a new box. He was amazed to read about how far these contraptions have, of course, he ordered one.

I must admit that the machine is truly amazing. Usually, in my estimation at least, Don tends to buy anything that runs electronically or is controlled with an app. I must give the new unit a 10+ for a rating.

It has a trap under it that catches the soiled litter and holds it in a filtered, air-tight container to avoid any smell so the box is always clean. It detects when a cat enters and exits so it knows when to cycle and clean the litter.

It even weighs the pet to identify who did what, when, and how frequently.

The green line tells us the status of the litter tray and the blue line tells us when to empty the waste compartment.

That's probably more information about a cat box than you ever wanted to know, but we find it a fascinating step forward in technology.

Tomorrow (Wednesday, June 5) 10a.m. in Sonora North is our monthly summer bingo game. Sign up in activities. While you're there, get a ticket to the Tuesday morning coffee & donuts event. June 12 is a 3-13 rummy tournament so again look for the sign up sheet. We still have at least two full tables of Swoop players every Monday and Friday in the Adobe Room. Come join us in our nice air conditioned rooms for a fun afternoon.

Saturday, June 8, 9:30 in SanTan Room:
iPhones, Apple Watch, & Intro to CoPilot AI

Kat tolerates Scooter: