
Thursday, May 09, 2024

From our VP

 Gery Manthos, our Regional VP from Sun Communities, is now on Nextdoor to comment and make announcements.  I'll copy his notes here for those who aren't enrolled.

FROM GERY: Just a quick update… the newspapers have been ordered. Arizona Republic (2 copies daily) and a USA Today (1 copy) will start this week. I am not sure if exact time frame on the AZ Republic but I have confirmed that USA Today will start delivery on Thu this week. Weedco will be out starting Monday 13th to do their initial end of season spray property wide. This will be the first step in our quest to ensure that all weeds property wide are eradicated for good. We have engaged Brightview Landscaping services to trim the palm trees. I am not sure on the exact date but, I do know it will be shortly… once an exact date is known I’ll post it here. The solar power will be finally connected to the Palm Creek grid on May 21st (I believe) and will bring that project to its final conclusion. We have also confirmed that the main pool and spa tub will be resurfaced starting right after Memorial Day weekend. When I have additional updates I will post them for you. There are numerous other projects in the works as soon as I have information I’ll let everyone know. Thank you all for your support and I hope everyone is having a great evening!

Just to clarify a few points as well. ALL of these projects and or "changes" have been initiated by Gabby and her team. I simply support that team and figured the best way to assist was to get onto this site (as I was on it previously for my local neighborhood in FL) and let everyone know what is going on! I don't think we can communicate ENOUGH... and it seems as if the biggest challenge we have at the resort is effectively letting everyone know what is going on. Nextdoor is simply ONE channel we have, and with the vast number of residents here I figured it would be the quickest way to get the information out. That said we are and will put out info into the mailboxes, emails, texts, etc... the idea to be able to communicate with you in the matter you prefer!


This beautiful trophy for winning first place at the Boat Regatta now resides at Dusty and Sandi Brown's residence. It was a GREAT event and we're all looking forward to even more next year. This is a traveling trophy so will pass along to the winner each year. Again, we congratulate Dusty, Karen, and their crew. You can stop by the ballroom to see all the boats on display.

The solar power project is coming to fruition. Signs are posted in all areas while the conversion is made. Card players note that the game rooms are scheduled for Thursday, May 16.

Our flower beds certainly look bare. I'm hoping we get summer flowers again this year. Will watch for more.