
Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Hepler "Stuff"

 AAWWWKKKK!!!  Our air conditioner died during the night last night!!  We've made the emergency call to Tri-Core so we're praying they can get here today.  Wish us luck.

It only cools down to upper 80s during the night.  It was 88 when I got up this morning at 5:30.

Mouse is handling it quite well as he sleeps on his back to keep cool.

I'm lucky today as I will be gone to play bridge this morning, have lunch in the nice cool ballroom cafe, and then go to the ice cream social and visit with special guest "Mango".  Poor Don must stay home in our "warm" house and wait for Tri-Core to get here.

Speaking of Don............someone asked me the other day about how to find copies of his books so thought I'd post a link for you.  

Link to the Amazon site:  Don at Amazon

While we're talking about personal things, thought I'd share a couple family photos.  
I love this pic of the little titmouse that visits my son's feeder.  His cat stays very entertained. 🙀

Our other son, Anton, is spending some indoor time with his art work.  I like this latest piece he's working on.

Here's a link to some of his art: