
Saturday, June 10, 2023

Ballroom Cafe & Upcoming Events

Don and I were riding down Oasis yesterday when I yelled STOP STOP.  He obediently did so expecting another boring flower that I was enamored with.  BUT....I spotted mama dove perched up high in this prickly cactus.  I admire her nest construction.  Makes for a cute photo.  (at least in my opinion.) 😃

to ALL summer residents....

Don't put off going to the summer Cafe in the ballroom for a delicious breakfast and/or lunch!  We've been asking to have the Bistro/Cafe open for several years and we love having it now but we must remember to actively participate to keep it alive and busy.

This week's special was a Mushroom Swiss Burger with fries for only $8.00.  They were delicious and big enough to share or take half home to eat later.

This coming week starting June 12 will be Chef's special Grilled Reuben Sandwich with sweet potato fries.  He's also going to serve a Gazpacho soup.  Call a friend, grab a neighbor, or even come alone but do come and support the Cafe.

Do you have ideas for how to attract a bigger crowd?  Send me your feedback and I will pass it along to Chef for review.  They only have a small limited staff so extending hours isn't really an option.  What if at least one day a week they shift away from breakfast and just serve a big evening meal?  What are your thoughts?  

In a nutshell:      PLEASE SUPPORT THE CAFE!!

Chef and Bridget are ready to serve us!

We have a busy week ahead.  Our first Team Trivia event is Monday, coffee & donuts is Tuesday, the ice cream social is Wednesday, and Casa Grande Fire Department has a fall prevention program for us on Thursday.

If you want to receive an email alerting you whenever I post, you can enter it at the top right of the blog page.  If you have trouble with that, just email me.

Here's Mouse keeping me company (helping???) while I write this post.  <sigh>