
Sunday, April 09, 2023

Girl Scout Cookies & Bistro Hours

 Some of you may remember the local Girl Scout cookie sales.  A granddaughter of one of our residents wanted desperately to sell over 6,000 boxes of cookies so she would win a free trip to Japan.  With your help, she DID it!

Ciara's unofficial final number for cookie sales was 6,247.  She earned many amazing rewards including the VIP trip to SeaWorld and a week in Tokyo, Japan.  She is so grateful for all the people of Palm Creek who supported her by buying and donating cookies all season.  (Congratulations to "Grandma Julie Hoffner")

Here are a few pictures including one from her SeaWorld VIP trip.

Summer Residents:  Mark your calendars so you remember to visit the Bistro for breakfast or brunch plus schedule Friday's in the ballroom.  We need to support these extra hours or they'll disappear.