
Saturday, April 15, 2023

FryDay Meals, Flowers, & Rainer Wellness

 We attended our first FryDay in the ballroom today where we met and said Hello to Chef Maywalt, our Culinary Manager.  He is shown here with Bridgett who is his Pastry Sousse Chef and second in command.  They both have great plans for new menus and food options at the bistro and ballroom for this coming summer.  Summer residents should be sure to attend as we've been asking for summer hours for a long time.

In addition to the FryDay meals, there was also a very nice salad bar that Chef plans to keep going and adding even more.

Watch for more specialties:

We also got to say "Congratulations" and farewell to Sara Felix who has been promoted to Office Manager at the new Sun Communities resort in Casa Grande....Spanish Trails West.

Take a look at this gorgeous weather forecast for the coming week!!  April is our favorite month of the year to be living in Arizona.  Perfect temperatures and lots of sun.  Our happy hour tonight lasted past 7:00 as no one wanted to go back indoors.

The cactus flowers are bursting!  There are various colors and plants all around the park.  Beautiful.  So sad that they only last a day before they fade.  That's a good reason to ride around the park each day during spring.

With spring in the air, we see mama duck with a couple of her adorable chicks swimming in the creek.

We also made a side trip to the new Rainer Wellness site on Jimmy Kerr Blvd to visit with Jim and Linda Rainer.  It was interesting to learn how their CBD products are made and distributed.  See their website for more info:

Their store is located in the old Trading Post building.  It's intriguing to hear the history of how the teepee building was constructed.  The builder gathered the stones himself so it is fascinating to take a close look at the construction.  


Sunday, April 09, 2023

Girl Scout Cookies & Bistro Hours

 Some of you may remember the local Girl Scout cookie sales.  A granddaughter of one of our residents wanted desperately to sell over 6,000 boxes of cookies so she would win a free trip to Japan.  With your help, she DID it!

Ciara's unofficial final number for cookie sales was 6,247.  She earned many amazing rewards including the VIP trip to SeaWorld and a week in Tokyo, Japan.  She is so grateful for all the people of Palm Creek who supported her by buying and donating cookies all season.  (Congratulations to "Grandma Julie Hoffner")

Here are a few pictures including one from her SeaWorld VIP trip.

Summer Residents:  Mark your calendars so you remember to visit the Bistro for breakfast or brunch plus schedule Friday's in the ballroom.  We need to support these extra hours or they'll disappear.

Saturday, April 01, 2023

End of Season Party, Poker Tables

 It was a beautiful 80 degree day for the End of Season party at Palm Park.  Our drone took a nice flight that morning to view the park while most residents were still here.  There'll be a huge exodus in the next week as folks head for their other home.

The poker tables in the Adobe Room are being recovered.  Please be respectful of the new tables.  No drinks on the tables please.  Let's keep them in tip top shape.

Whoops.....those pretty yellow flowers may not be too friendly.