
Friday, March 10, 2023

Chorus Spring Concert

 The Palm Creek Chorus presented their spring concert last night.  It was great!!  You can still get a ticket over in Activities to see their final presentation on Friday night.  They've obviously practiced and worked very hard to make such an entertaining event.  Congratulations to one and all.

Even my Kat got in the show during the CUTE animated song called "I Bought Me A Cat".  
There were so many beautiful photos shown on two big screens during the show....I believe all were donated by our residents.

These participants may not have been singing but they were certainly working hard!  

I enjoyed the colorful shirts and the automation of the singers.  They were in the groove.  😄

As a finale, a check was presented to the Against Abuse organization with funds raised by ticket sales to the Christmas concert, singing Valentines promotions, and tonight's spring concert.  $2,500.