
Friday, February 17, 2023

East Side Drone, Events, Classes

 There are some interesting events happening around Casa Grande in addition to the big activities here in the park.  Don't miss the Wood Show and the Quilt Show Saturday.....and save time to cruise around the park for the patio sale.

We've enjoyed the roller derby events!  These ladies work hard!!

We have quite a few active RC members here in the park.

Fresh from the farm:

The park is pretty full this month so Don toured the sky above and broke it into sections to get a bird's eye view.  Here's the eastern section.  Remember to hit your space bar to pause over your site.


My recent iPhone class last Saturday was very well attended.  Fun!  There seems to be quite a bit of interest in learning about Google Photos so our next class will focus on that application.  If you plan to come, bring your computer, iPhone and/or iPad.  Be sure you have the Google Photos app downloaded and set up.  You will also want to down load "snapseed" for editing.  Power outlets will be available if you need to plug in your computer.

The only classroom available is Sonora South so I hope we have enough room.
Saturday, March 11 at 9:30.  Please sign up on the list in Activities so we know how many folks to expect.

Mouse and Kat wish you a happy day!  🙀😸