
Thursday, February 02, 2023

Computer Club, Bingo, Firemen, Events

 Thank you to Jim Van Namee, President of the Photo Club, for giving a very informative talk about cellphone photography at this week's computer club meeting.  We finally took time to learn about all those little buttons on our cellphone cameras.  

Next Wednesday, I'll try to follow up the topic by working with photos and some easy editing techniques.

We had some big winners at Monday night bingo!  Kathy Davis won game six for $365.

Karen Maxon won game 12 jackpot for $756.
Regular game payouts were $102. 

We'll have a fun game Friday, February 3, at 1:00 as we raise funds for the Cancer Awareness weekend.  Games will be fun.  Buy tickets in Activities for $10.  Tickets will also be sold at the door.

The ABBA concert last Sunday was another great event.  We've had some terrific shows this season.

The annual Fireman's Spaghetti Dinner was another sold out event as it is every year.  We all like to support the firemen as they certainly do a lot for us!  The money we donate goes to their Honor Guard equipment and uniforms.

There was a race for a resident vs a fireman to get geared up.

It was a busy week with another cellphone class.  Next session is scheduled for February 11.  Sign up in Activities.

Just a note:  Pools are now open from 7:30am - 9:00 pm effective February 1 through May 1.