
Wednesday, January 11, 2023

More SWOOP and Announcements


Good news for all Swoop players!  We now have TWO days reserved for Swoop.  Come play on Mondays AND/OR Fridays at 12:15 in the Adobe Room.  Do you see some newcomers in your neighborhood?  Invite them to come play as it is a great way to get acquainted and have a FUN afternoon.

By popular request, we are going to repeat the first two sessions of iPad and iPhone class.  There are even folks who want to repeat the class for the second time.  😃

Saturday, January 28, 9:30  (Santan Room)

Saturday, February 11, 9:30  (Santan Room)

You can sign up in the Activities office so we have a rough idea of how many will be present.  

Be sure to come to the Club Expo this Saturday (Jan 14) in the Ballroom.  You can come visit with each of the clubs and activities to learn more.  I'll be at a Swoop and iPad table if you have questions.  See you there!


While you're at it, mark your calendar now for Saturday, February 18, to attend the Palm Creek Quilt Show and the Woodshop show.  We have some VERY talented residents who will be sharing their works of art.

Sunday night was the first event I attended for the season:  Diamond in the Rough which was a tribute show to Neil Diamond and his music.  I thought it was GREAT!  

It was fun to take advantage of the nice warm sunshine this weekend and get out to the softball field to watch the women's tournament.  I'm sorry I didn't get some better photos.  

Tom Gottfried was playing with his camera again and captured an awesome hummingbird photo!  The bird was chasing a bee away from the feeder.  Talk about an action shot!  Congratulations, Tom, and thank you for sharing.
Photo by Tom Gottfried

Poor Mouse always seems to be on the wrong side of the door.  🙀

Have a GREAT day!