
Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Cancer Awareness Balloon Glow


Friday evening, February 3 will be our balloon glow from 6:30 to 7:30 pm.  

Saturday morning, February 4, we will have a mass ascension from the field just outside the main gate at 8:00am.  Everyone is welcome to come out and observe.

All the monies collected will be donated to our park's combined donation to our local Casa Grande Caner Awareness Center.  

However, it does not happen without our wonderful volunteers that assist the seven pilots during our Balloon Glow on Friday evening and our flights on Saturday morning.  A flyer will be sent out soon and you can sign up to volunteer at the Activities Office.

Whether you wish to volunteer as a crew person for the events or donate the fees to ride in one of the balloons for a flight on Saturday morning, the Activities Center is your one stop for all your answers.

If you have volunteered in the past with a certain pilot, just let the folks at Activities know and we will get you assigned with that individual once again.

If you have never been around a balloon team before, we will insure you learn how to safely enjoy the experience.

Thanks in advance from John Ross, Balloonmiester

Volunteer to be part of the event!