
Friday, August 26, 2022


 Our resident activity (educational series) this week was a talk with Arlo Cairo from the Casa Grande Museum.  She presented some slides and information about the stone buildings that were built by Michael Sullivan back in the early 1900s.

It was interesting to see pictures of the people who went out into the desert to gather these rocks, toss them into a wagon, and haul them to the construction site.  The photos showed some of the women in their long dresses and hats.  Imagine that work in our 100+ temperatures?

Here's the Woman's Club building which is still in active service.

Here is the first electric company that provided electricity to the city of Casa Grande back in the 1920s.  Quite amazing!


Hot news for our summer residents!  Avocado Nursery is having a big 50% off sale on some of their plants.  Can't resist advertising such a great opportunity.

If you are interested in learning more about desert landscaping, irrigation, pruning, etc., keep an eye on the Casa Grande Facebook page as they list some great information resources.

I keep reporting about the tree trimmers that are here these past few weeks.  They are truly doing an amazing job.  Now they're trimming trees along the golf course.  Their equipment can reach way up to the top of those tall pine trees.

Readers often ask for more cat pictures so I end today's post with a couple boring cat photos.  It is their quiet time of the day and, for a change, they are well behaved. 😺😸
