
Saturday, March 26, 2022

Party Time

 We had another highly successful happy hour at our Bistro patio.  Thank you to our new General Manager, Dennis Jordan, for suggesting additional use of the Bistro area.....and thank you to Marion Nelson and her crew for the set up.

The Sauce Boss food truck is always popular.

Thank you to fellow resident Steve Jones for the entertainment.

Those folks interested in even more party then headed up to the north pavilion for dancing and entertainment.

Folks are wise to bring their own chairs to these events.

All this evening entertainment made for a busy day as the Can/Am softball tournament was held in the afternoon.  It was a great game with a final score of 12 to 11 in favor of USA.  Canada did a great job of almost turning the table on that score.  Congrats to ALL the players!

It was FUN and FRIENDLY competition.

If you still haven't had enough, come to the north pavilion again this Sunday, March 27, to hear our local Creekside band from 5 to 7 pm. 

Our drone went up for a quick tour by the main lake.  Just a view of the pretty flowers, quick view over the main buildings, and our resident turtle!!  (This will also be a good video for Chuck and Kerrie Autrey to share with their friends back home as it rather showcases their home.)

Readers know I'm an avid bird watcher so Dave Beach sent me this cool photo of a cormorant he saw perched at the pond at the end of the 9th fairway.  Thanks for thinking of me, Dave!  I'm sure there are other readers who enjoy these candid photos too.
Photo by David Beach

Whenever I pass Debbie's house at site 1049, I admire the cute "mushroom" she created in her front yard.  Take a closer look the next time you pass by and see the creative work she did at the base.

I know quite a few of our folks are getting ready to leave for the summer.  One of the items on your departure check list is to change the batteries in your smoke detectors and thermostats.  Need help with that?  Call Jeff Knaus at site 1038 or call him at 920-370-8758.  Jeff is also interested in starting a housewatch service.
I have time for a quick "Kat" snapshot.  We received this long oblong box this week which we didn't think would be of any use.  Lo and behold.....Kat liked it and took a nice nap inside.  There is certainly no need for us to spend money on purchasing an expensive bed for these two crazy animals.

No sense spending money on expensive toys either when a simple strap or piece of string is all they need.