
Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Bingo, Weather, Recycling

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

From today's Casa Grande Dispatch:  
Here comes a small sample of Arizona heat and sunshine. 
 This will give you a chance to warm up before heading back to your other home where there may still be snow and cooler temps.


Last night was the final game of Monday night Bingo for the season.  We had a GREAT fun-filled time!
To start off, we had a full salute of "daubers up" to get the bingo balls rolling.  We had 218 people in attendance all trying to win the big jackpots.  Every winner walked away with at least $90 in their pocket.

On behalf of the 200+ players that attended every Monday, we extend a hearty thank you to all the volunteers for their work....especially to Barb Nelson who chaired the event this year.  Barb has contributed a great deal and has spent the better part of every Monday hard at work to make sure things run smoothly.  

Also special thanks to the few volunteers (Ken, Jean, Dave, & Dave) who come early to set up all the chairs and tables.  What a chore!

The huge Star Burst jackpot was not triumphed but the winner still walked away with $254.  An extra game was played as a bonus to give away more prize money at the end of the season so two other players tied for $82 each.

Game 12 was not conquered either so only paid out $258.  

That leaves us with a nice cash bankroll to start off next season.  Jackpot for Game 6 will start at $616 and Game 12 starts at $369 for start up games in November.  Put your dauber in safe storage till then!  


 I'm sure you have all noticed these home built recycle bins at our trash stations around the resort.  Please help keep them neat and fill ONLY with the clear plastic as marked.  I've copied a recent article from the Casa Grande paper regarding this recycle project sponsored y the Mesquite Elementary School.  This specialized trash has raised thousands of dollars for local food banks and the Valley Humane Society.

Sorting and cleaning these bins is done by volunteers.

Rick Wilson
