
Monday, February 14, 2022

Singing Valentines

 A flash mob appeared at the craft fair last week.  😉  It was the chorus advertising that they will have singing valentines delivered to your friends at your request.  

I believe you can buy a singing telegram for about $5 from any chorus member but it sounds like they are already booked solid for Sunday and Monday.  It's such a cute idea though.  Maybe they'll opt to do it for other holidays as well?  

OMG!!  It is now Monday afternoon and the chorus was just here at my house to sing a valentine!  How awesome and FUN!  Some clever person customized the words to be about Palm Creek and made for a cute rendition.

I envy people that can sing and carry a tune.  It always looks like so much fun to be part of the Palm Creek chorus.  They work hard to learn their songs and have fun doing so.  Then they sing and share their gift to all of us.  Singing seems to be a "sport" to be shared and bring entertainment to all.  (All donations are being donated to the Cancer Awareness Fund.)


Plastic berry boxes are a great entertainment and exercise incentive for our Kat.  He scoots that box for miles around the house in an effort to get the treats out of it.  Fun to watch.