
Monday, December 06, 2021

Pickleball plus more (and cats)

 Wow!  This has been an awesome autumn season of warm temps and sunny sky.  I keep looking for outdoor activities so I don't miss the sun's rays.

The big AAP (American Pickleball Professionals) tournament was held here at Palm Creek this week so the place was busy and active.  The crowds were 5-7 deep around the courts during the champion games.   Our local pickleball club keeps a great website so you can go there for more photos and information.

I just took a couple casual photos to try to show the crowds of people in attendance.

Tom was super busy gathering action shots with that big camera of his.

Our new pavilion got a good workout.
All the volunteers who worked on the project can take great pride.

Thursday, December 9, 7:00 p.m.

We have a couple events coming up in the next week or so starting with a Christmas sing along sponsored by our Palm Creek chorus.  Admission is a non-perishable food item for our Casa Grande Food Bank donation.  The program line up is a combo of chorus numbers and audience participation.  Come to the ballroom  Thursday night, December 9. No ticket necessary. Just bring that food item as your donation.

Patio Sale on Saturday, December 18
Starting at 8:00 a.m. Saturday (the 18th) the park will be bustling with busy shoppers as we scurry from one patio sale to another. Pick up a map from Activities after 1:00 that Friday. I know I will be stopping by Russ's house at site 1819 on Oasis to get some of his awesome home made soft peanut brittle.
If you would like some now Call or text: Russ at 216 235-5900. Site #1819 (on Oasis). Just $5 per half pound.

The events and activities teams are busy with upcoming dances and shows. You can check the schedule in the December happenings. Here is a link to the on-line copy:

...and don't forget about our fun softball teams that play on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Come cheer for your favorite players and have a sandwich at the sports grill.
See their website at: Palm Creek Softball

The Casa Grande RC Flyers will be holding a charity event for the Casa Grande Food Bank on Saturday December 11, 2021 between 9 AM and Noon at their club airfield located at 2725 S Isom Road in Casa Grande. At the event they will have a drawing with the first prize to include dinner for two at any Texas Roadhouse, 18 holes of golf for two including a cart at the Robson Ranch Golf Course and TWO gift certificates from Superstition Hobbies which can be used for anything they sell including RC aircraft, RC cars and parts or supplies.
Two food services will be on hand serving both breakfast and lunch items and the club will offer FREE RC Flying lessons (everything provided) and FREE first person view airplane rides. The food bank will be at the entrance accepting donations of any non-perishable food items, however nothing is required to enter. This is a FREE event event and everyone is welcome.
Directions to the field can be found on the club's web site at:

I spotted this cute golf cart up by the clubhouse today.
The plate says: " 57 Chevy!"

There are always a few cat pictures to share and I hear they are favorites among you readers.

Don was going to warm up the oven for the evening meal but Kat had to check it out first.

No......the heat was not yet turned on.

Mouse on the other hand is camera shy and likes to sleep face down.

Charming Kat accidentally knocked over my glass of water a few weeks ago and it killed the keyboard of my computer.  Don agreed to buy me a new one.  It arrived in a box....much to the cat's delight.

Buy a cat they said.  It would be fun they said.