Welcome back to our winter paradise frequently called "Winter Camp for Seniors".
Monday, December 13, 2021
Golf and More
We received lots of positive feedback from our last post highlighting the pond information from Mark Kenner. In addition to Mark's myriad of responsibilities, he is most happy when working at the golf course. The course looks great this year.
Mark does a golf clinic every Wednesday afternoon from now until the end of March. It's either a short-game clinic by the putting green or he will close #6 hole and do a full-swing clinic where the attendees can actually hit balls. There are typically eight people for the clinic and it is usually full so get your name in early. By the way...there are lots of new items in the pro shop so stop in and do some Christmas shopping. Items from this table will make great stocking stuffers.
Say hello to Peter Crowe and the new Pro Shop Supervisor, Judy Hosea.
Weedco has finished spraying for weeds. Don and I have seen them in action and they do a very thorough job. Previously we could only bring them in once a year, but now corporate has approved twice a year. That means they now do a pre-emerge and a post-emerge so weeds are no longer a critical problem for us. And yes...they do every single site in the park each time.
We are also getting a quote from weedco to spray all our pine trees (all 600 of them) for Pine Beetle. They will do that in May after most of our annual residents have returned home.
And don't forget the street sweeper. They come once a month with their big professional machines. They do a good job and are cost efficient when compared with purchasing and operating a new monster sweeper for ourselves.
Don took the drone out for a ride this afternoon. He flew over part of the course and met some new friends along the way. I thought it was fun to watch people's reactions so wouldn't let him edit anything out of the film. It's rather long but fun to watch.
Compare our beautiful sunshine to the snow in other parts of the country. I received this photo from Carol Feldmeier in Ashland, Wisconsin: