
Monday, October 04, 2021

Patio area plus Drone

 Our palm trees amaze me at the different kinds of blossoms we see around the park.  Look at this wierd harvest.  Many times we just drive through the park without really observing our surroundings.  There are so many interesting and unusual plants around us if we take the time to look.

Donuts and coffee:  Over 60 people came and asked for free tickets to the coffee and donuts session for Wednesday morning..........and less than 30 people showed up.  This is so very disappointing for the events and activities staff especially when we have a sponsor at the event.  That sponsor is paying the bill for all that food and coffee and they expect to see an audience there for the presentation.  How disappointing when the crowd doesn't appear.  If you don't plan to attend, don't ask for the tickets!

Marion Nelson announced that with such a busy rally month ahead, they were not publishing an October calendar.  She also announced that Barb Poole will be back as our Social Media Coordinator which means we'll have GREAT newsletters and Facebook announcements this coming season.  Thank you to Barb for taking on that role again.

Event tickets you purchased will be available for pick up sometime in November.  Wait for the announcement.
I happened to park outside the pottery room this morning so took a moment to examine the totem poles outside their facility.

Quite the craftsmanship.

Back behind the main admin building, work continues on the patio area.  The cracked concrete is being drilled out and will be replaced with pavers.  I was first told it would be astro turf but it will be pavers.

The overnight parking area is buzzing with activity as travelers are on the road to winter destinations.

We had a very unexpected rain storm Wednesday night.  We had heavy rain with accompanying thunder and lightning.  The crews that install our new park models were really surprised to find so much rain overnight as they didn't have any rain at all in the Queen Creek area where they live.    They definitely had to change their plans as the new homes here were not accessible.  (October 1 marks the official end of the monsoon season.  We scored 5.7 inches of rain so far this year!  Yahoo!)


Received this news from the local RC Flyers Club:

TAKE UP A NEW HOBBY. Learn to fly model airplanes for FREE. Club membership or AMA are NOT required. If interested, contact Palm Creek resident, Maurie Sumption with your phone number and e-mail address.  He is a certified Academy of Model Aeronautics instructor and will contact you. Everything you will need is provided. Enjoy this wonderful outdoor activity now that the weather is getting cooler. It will make you smile again! Offer open to both men and women.

..........and by popular demand.......more drone footage

Everyone's first question is:  "What are those big yellow underground tubes?"  We believe it to be a runoff for rainwater so the lot doesn't get flooded during heavy rains.  Every commercial site needs to have some sort of run off available.  Some have open ditches along the road but many have some type of underground run off capabilities.