
Tuesday, July 27, 2021

New Toys

WOW!  Remember the awesome picture of the Kestrel Julie Wolf submitted?  Here's a baby!!  We spotted this little guy resting on the railing of a house in the 200 section.  He was young enough to fly but not much more than that.  It's great to know that birds like this can find a home in Palm Creek.

We like to keep a close eye on the weather so Don bought a new high tech weather station so we have one of our own instead of bugging friends for an up-to-date report every time we have some unusual weather.  Of course, "the boys" are close by to keep an eye on the project. 

We called Mr. Maldonado to come over for the installation.

There's no way I'll let Don up there anymore.  These two looked so calm and secure.

Next project is the new Drone!!  As I reported yesterday, the old drone wouldn't work so it was off to Amazon to get a new one.  It arrived next day as promised.  Again, "the boys" are nearby to "help" with assembly.

Well............Don had his first flight with the new drone.  Strictly a practice run but it's a start.  There's a learning curve with any new toy.

Like I said before.........this blog is an expensive hobby!  😖