
Sunday, July 11, 2021

Another Storm

The sky looked rather ominous last night.

Photo by Lynne Rogers

Our phones were buzzing like crazy warning of impending storms headed our way.

8:30 pm radar shows it coming from the NE

8:30....a small storm nearly here

9:08  The storm definitely increased in size and was upon us

Winds were up to 23 mph and brought major dust.  We watched the visibility of the street lights disappear into the dust followed by some lovely heavy hard rain.  Of course dust and rain equal MUD so this morning folks are out cleaning up for the second day in a row.

Terry Sommerville sent this photo of the dust cloud coming across the north fields.

There's no time to clean the streets between storms so things are a little messy these days.  Mother Nature is having a great time.  Granite is now beach front property.

Oasis is littered with debris from the trees.

The golf course and some streets are littered with palm tree bark.  We laughed at this poor tree as he almost got skinned.

We were out bright and early again this morning to inspect for damages.  We waved at other housewatchers who were out on the same mission.  No one had anything major to report.

Propane heaters tip over easily with monsoon winds.

Plastic pots are too light.

Rugs like to curl up and fly away.

Golf cart covers need to be tied very tight.

Sunscreens should be tightened.

Car covers need to be tied down securely.

There are a few skirting issues but nothing serious.

These summer monsoons are fascinating as the sky lights up with continuous lightning and rumbling crackling thunder.  Winds come fast!  The trees are perfectly still and suddenly bend sideways with strong forceful wind and dirt.  Visibility fades quickly through all the blowing dust.  Then comes the torrential rain which blows sideways due to heavy wind.  Tucking furniture under our patio roof doesn't protect it too much as the rain comes in sideways.

**We can't get our car window repaired until Monday morning so the interior may need a good detailing next week!  😏  

**Don and I were watching the storm from our kitchen window when suddenly one of our nice patio chairs blew into the street.  Don chased after it before it got too far but had a hard time pulling it back home.  Monsoon season is very entertaining.

**Kat and Mouse are on full alert during the storms and are glued to the windows to observe the action just like we are.  It must be entertaining for them as they rest well the next morning.