
Wednesday, May 26, 2021

The June calendar has a few more upcoming events for us during the month.  It's nice to have something on the calendar so we get together with friends, meet new people, and an occasion to gather.

Speaking of calendars:  Activities (namely Marion and Terri) are anxiously awaiting signed contracts from the bands, performers, and various acts they have contacted for our winter season.  They hope to have everything booked, signed, sealed and ready for ticket announcements by the end of July.   Let's hope the country stays healthy so we stay on track.  

We bought an odometer for our golf cart last week.  For curiosity's sake, we drove around the inside perimeter of the park along the walls and found the distance to be 3.27 miles.
It's no wonder we see quite a few herons and egrets at our ponds.  We tried to get a photo showing the swarms of fingerlings at the edge of the lake yesterday.

I could hear a dove making a lot of noise and it sounded like he was pecking at the glass window so I went to investigate.  Here's what I saw:

Cute Video:

(In case the video doesn't open on your phone or iPad, you can click here:  Dove and Cats

Did you know that a cat drinks with the use of the back of it's tongue?  For some reason, Kat always drinks from the far side of the water dish.  

Don captured the action with the slow motion option on his phone.