
Sunday, May 30, 2021

Business News

Found in today's newspaper:

There are no firm committments yet but Target is set to open 30-40 stores over the coming year.  Hopefully Casa Grande will be one of them.

This paragraph from the article is interesting:  Looks like our city is really due to expand.

Another new restaurant is set to open.  

The former JB's Restaurant was torn down in February of 2021.  In it's place is the new Salad and Go set to open Monday, June 7, at 6:30 a.m.

The restaurant will provide breakfast and lunch for under $10.  They focus on nutritious fast food offering burritos for breakfast, salads for lunch, and $1 cold drinks.  Sounds pretty good to me!

Curiosity satisfied:  I was still wondering why that water truck is spraying all the graveled sites so I flagged down the driver today and asked.  He smiled and said he's been getting a lot of questions about what he's planting.  😊  The answer is that the pre-emergent that was spread to kill the weeds needs water to activate it.  Since we've had ZERO rain, they decided to spray enough water to wash it down into the soil.

From Sunday's newspaper:

I can relate to this!