
Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Take Out Meals, Striping, Promotion

I just came back from buying a bunch of tickets for the upcoming Take Out meals being planned by Robin Perry and team.  These meals are so good so I signed up for a bunch.  (pardon my scratched up copy)

Close up image you can hopefully read.

Our January Activities calendar.  
(so sad!)

I'm glad to see that we're still going to try and support our local Firefighters with their annual spaghetti dinner.  They certainly help a LOT of us creekers during the year.



Congratulations to Terri Wellman!!  Terri was promoted to Activities Supervisor just this morning.  We can always count on Terri for great customer service with a smile.

Maybe you only recognize her when wearing a mask?

Activities bulletin board.

Getting to the office this morning was a bit of a chore as many streets are roped off due to the fiber optic line coming into the park......finally.  

Crews are also painting and striping all the streets and parking spaces.

The fresh white paint really dresses up the streets.


Non-pet people must think that Don and I are looney tunes for all the time, MONEY, and effort we put into our two cats...........but they are definitely our source of entertainment in these Covid times.  We really enjoy their antics.  This week we got an extension to their tunnel so it was super fun to watch them race through the tunnel, hunt for treats, chase each other, etc.  At least this all folds up and can be put away should we ever decide to have company once again.

Sometimes they entertain themselves with a good old fashioned wrestling match.  These wresting matches usually wind up with a fast chase through the whole house.