
Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Christmas Music

Just a reminder!!

Light Up Your Christmas
With Palm Creek Caroling
 Wednesday, December 23 

Palm Creek Chorus invites you to choose any of 5 locations for old-fashioned caroling. Chorus members will be singing familiar Songs of the Season, and you are welcome to come to any location and sing along.

Please help us with the “maximum 50 people” gathering guideline. If you arrive at a location and see that there are already approximately 30 people there, please join us at one of the other locations. Thank you in advance for helping us remain in compliance.

We will be singing for about 10 minutes at each location. Here are the caroling locations and approximate times we will be singing on Wednesday, December 23:

 5:30 to 5:40 p.m.        Sports pool near the ball field (Cole Circle & Flowering Cactus Drive)

 5:55 to 6:05 p.m.        Northwest Dog park (Cole Circle & Copper Spirit Lane)

 6:20 to 6:30 p.m.        Tennis Courts (Cole Circle & Putter Placer)

 6:45 to 6:55 p.m.        Intersection of Cole Circle & Mica Lane

 7:10 to 7:20 p.m.        Intersection of Cole Circle & Wolfberry Drive (east of Oak Drive)

 7:30 to 7:45 p.m.        Northeast corner of Palm Park parking lot

Three of our talented Palm Creekers are going to share their music.

On Saturday Dec 26, Marti Freund, Mary Hansen and Betty Preston are going to be at Palm Park at 1:00 p.m. and will be playing violin, flute and harp Christmas music. If you care to stroll by and listen for a few minutes (physically distanced, masked, and being mindful of the maximum 50 people in one area, please)  you are welcome to stop by.

    It might be cruel to post this but it appeared on the front page of today's CG Dispatch.  Thought I'd post it for our Canadian friends who are being held hostage.