
Tuesday, November 03, 2020


Attention Mahjong Players

Due to health concerns, I am no longer the chairperson for the Mahjong group.  I understand there are several tables playing on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in the Sonora Room at 1:00 if you care to join them.

Denise Gaither is mailing our check to the local Valley Humane  Society in the amount of  $273.  This is the reimbursement our club received for ordering our 2020 Mahjong cards as a group.  If you wait until January, the group can again place a group order for the 2021 cards to quality for that reimbursement or you can go ahead and order on your own this year.  The deadline for ordering new cards is February 5.

Note from Denise:  If you hear of anyone who ordered their 2020 card through me but didn't get it, please let me know, I can call the League office and have them re-sent.   A caveat that you might tell those who didn't get their cards  -- the replacement cards will be sent to the address on the order.   The League will not send them to a different address.   Thanks!   Denise 

Marvelous cards can be ordered NOW and will be shipped out in early January.  Order through their website at

If you want to set up on-line games with friends, you can do so at:

Enjoy!  May the jokers find their way to your tray!