
Saturday, September 26, 2020

Kitchen, Bistro, text alerts, and more heat

Our October meal events are being catered by outside sources.  The question was asked:  "Will the kitchen, bistro, and sports grill open this season?"  Here's the answer straight from Marion Nelson:

"As of now, we have not received Sun Communities approval to re-open the Kitchen or Bistro, but it could happen any day.  However, our earliest planned opening for both was at the end of October, so that's when our team members were tentatively scheduled to return to work.  In the meantime, Sun is developing their own specific requirements and procedures for food operations to meet or exceed COVID guidelines.  I am optimistic that we will be able to open again, but it wouldn't be any sooner than the end of October anyway.  Regarding the Sports Grill, we do not expect it will have enough business to make it feasible, so we will not open right away.  However, I do want to emphasize that we will continually monitor feedback and usage, and make adjustments wherever or whenever warranted.  The key to our success will be patience, understanding, and flexibility on everyone's part."


We experienced an emergency water main event this past week so our water was off for about an hour.  I was lucky as I had just finished my shower.  LOL  The announcement was posted on Channel 3 but I like most of us seldom have that channel on.  In fact, I don't think we even get that channel anymore.  

We did receive a text announcement, however.  This system has been in place for a year or more so if you haven't signed up, you can still do so.


OH NO!!!