
Wednesday, September 30, 2020

"State of the Union" message from Marion Nelson

This letter from Marion Nelson goes out in the mail tomorrow.  
Great news!!

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Golf Course Reseeding & Chores

Our crews are full-speed ahead working to get the golf course ready for opening on or about November 1.  

I think the palm trees are finally finished with their annual trim.  We were last on the list this year.  So much debris falls from each tree!

The next day the trimmers came back for more clean up.  I watched from my kitchen window away from the dust.

Shortly after they were done, the street sweeper came through with his big truck for a final touch.

Still a long way to go for the hotel to be finished.

Congratulations to Gary Lambert

Gary Lambert  (previously Operations Manager) decided that after 16.5 years at Palm Creek it is time for him to retire.  His last day on the payroll will be Friday, October 30.  Gary says Palm Creek is his home so he will continue to live here and enjoy his time as a full time resident.

All the activity outside isn't enough to keep Mouse awake at nap time.  He doesn't look very comfortable but he's definitely sound asleep.

Paws up!!

Monday, September 28, 2020

Smoke and Water and Tickets

Ron and Cathy Kenton sent this photo from Cheyenne Wyoming showing the heavy smoke from the many California wildfires.  I guess I should stop complaining about our heat and high temperatures.  At least we can breathe the hot air.

Those of us that are here in the park had better be prepared for a water shut off coming soon.  There is a Major water line break in the southwest corner of the park that is really flooding the streets in that area.  Water is running out onto the golf course and has filled the lake.  I'm guessing we're waiting for parts and the equipment to make the repair.  Fill your bucket now in preparation.

Don't forget to pick up your tickets for the Taco dinner, the Hawaiian dinner, and the coffee with a cop.  There are ticket deadlines for these events since they are catered.

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Kitchen, Bistro, text alerts, and more heat

Our October meal events are being catered by outside sources.  The question was asked:  "Will the kitchen, bistro, and sports grill open this season?"  Here's the answer straight from Marion Nelson:

"As of now, we have not received Sun Communities approval to re-open the Kitchen or Bistro, but it could happen any day.  However, our earliest planned opening for both was at the end of October, so that's when our team members were tentatively scheduled to return to work.  In the meantime, Sun is developing their own specific requirements and procedures for food operations to meet or exceed COVID guidelines.  I am optimistic that we will be able to open again, but it wouldn't be any sooner than the end of October anyway.  Regarding the Sports Grill, we do not expect it will have enough business to make it feasible, so we will not open right away.  However, I do want to emphasize that we will continually monitor feedback and usage, and make adjustments wherever or whenever warranted.  The key to our success will be patience, understanding, and flexibility on everyone's part."


We experienced an emergency water main event this past week so our water was off for about an hour.  I was lucky as I had just finished my shower.  LOL  The announcement was posted on Channel 3 but I like most of us seldom have that channel on.  In fact, I don't think we even get that channel anymore.  

We did receive a text announcement, however.  This system has been in place for a year or more so if you haven't signed up, you can still do so.


OH NO!!!

Friday, September 25, 2020

October Calendar of Events!!

Finally some exciting news to announce!! 
 We have some Covid approved events on the calendar and fun things to look forward to.

Marion Nelson and Terri Wellman have been working on an October calendar with numerous food options for us to enjoy.  Since our kitchen isn't open yet, all meals will be catered for the time being.

Our first meal is on Sunday, October 4 in observance of National Taco Day.  All details are in the flyer below:

Our second meal will be catered by The Luau Hut on Friday, October 9.  I am sure many of you will recognize the name because his food truck has been very popular over the past few years and he always sells out!

I was first in line for the tickets!  See you there!

October's calendar is now "hot off the press" and here is what we can look forward to for the month.   Also note that some meals will have activities so plan on staying for a little while.  It will be nice to get out of the house and have fun with friends again!

**Reminder:  Masks are required in ALL Palm Creek buildings and activities.  Don't forget to bring a mask when you go up to purchase your tickets.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

It's still hot!

Triple digits haven't left us yet but at least its not over 110 anymore.  Mornings are cool in the 70s so that's our source of relief to breathe fresh air instead of AC.

The forecast today called for 30% chance of rain. it is.  Five whole drops fell on us this morning.  It never did rain.

The cats spotted a woodpecker hammering away on a house behind us.  That kept them occupied for a few minutes.

I had an interesting experience today.  It's not pertaining to Palm Creek but at least its something to write about.  I ordered an item from Amazon but wanted to return it.  Their website says items can easily be returned by dropping them off at Kohls department store.  It sounded too good to be true but I clicked a button on the Amazon website and it printed out a QR code.  That's all I needed.

Kohls has a new booth set up in the store for Amazon returns.  I didn't even have to package the item.  The lady just scanned the code I had printed and said that's all that was needed.  Then she handed me a coupon for 25% off any purchase I made in the store that day.  

It was weird to walk through the store.  Everyone was masked.  Very few customers.  All the merchandise was very neatly displayed but it's all winter items already.  I couldn't bear the thought of trying on a long sleeve sweater so quietly left the store.  It was my first outing of that kind in several months.

We saw Marion Nelson this morning.  She is excited to finally being able to put out some kind of calendar for events.  She's worked very hard to obide by the Covid restrictions.  Calendar should be published soon.  

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Photos of sunrise

Thank you to Jeff Vaughan for these beautiful sunrise photos.  It is really lovely to share the scene with a photographer who can capture it.

The 10 day forecast still looks like triple digits in store for us but at least it cools down at night so mornings are lovely.

Monday, September 14, 2020

Reseeding the golf course

The golf course is getting scalped and prepped for reseeding.

It will have a nice clean creek passing through.

Ron St. Pierre got some good pics of a coyote on the 13th hole by the south bridge.

Wiley Coyote is having fresh duck for breakfast.

Sunday, September 13, 2020

New Handicap Golf Cart

We spotted this new handicap golf cart up in the pro shop.  The resort purchased one this year and will put it on trial to see how it works and how much it gets used.   It will be available for the front nine only.

Our mornings have been lovely the last week or so with lows in low 70s or even an occasional 66.  It makes our morning rounds much more tolerable than the previous months of triple digits.  We even get to open the windows for a while!

The rest of the day, however, we spend back inside with our air conditioning.  Not much happening in afternoons.

Wednesday, September 09, 2020

Cholla Crafting

Tom Gottfried became involved in a new hobby that seems to have taken off like wild fire.  He and Phil Bond from Avocado Nursery gather cholla skeletons from the desert, clean them up, and create/design planters and decorative pieces.  

A note from Tom:

Here is an update on the Cholla Workshops scheduled at Avocado Nursery 9/25th, 26th, and 28th.  9/25 is full, and only a few seats remain for 9/26.  We've changed the format a bit for 9/28 due to a large group from the Tucson area that had to cancel because of Covid 19.  This was scheduled to be more for artists and professional designers.  But, we will also do a hands on cholla planter that day that will include an unfinished (sealed and varnished) cholla with an opening cut for succulents or cactus.  There will be a $20 cost that can be paid at the door.  This will help cover the cost of the planter, plants, and prizes that will be given for the best designed cholla.  I'm estimating that the workshop will run from 9 until about noon.   

We will also show other uses for cholla that have been put together for Avocado's new gift center that will feature more than just planters.  Avocado owner Phil Bond has Indian blood and could write a book on his experiences with the southern Arizona Nations.  And he knows how to make some of the ceremonial items they use, like a "Talking Stick" and "Dream Catcher".  Shown in the bottom photo are some of the items used for the Dream Catcher, and like the chollas, all recovered from the desert.  We will also show finished table lamps as well as some during "construction" as well as a number of variations of chollas used as planters.  We hope to have a beautiful floor lamp completed by the day of the workshop.  It is really a one of a kind example of the incredible beauty and uniqueness of the CHOLLA.    

For reservations, you can call Avocado Nursery at 520-723-4480.  If need be, and we can fill a class, Phil is willing to do another workshop exclusively for Palm Creek later this fall after the Snowbirds return. Call me if you have any questions.  262-844-6008.