
Saturday, August 15, 2020

Our Koi Pond

I'm bored so spent this morning cruising through old photos from "way back when"(2003).  I've told our stories about our little koi pond we had at our house in Marion, Ohio but I don't know if people believed me when I told them how our frogs would attack and eat birds that came down for a drink.

Here you can see the frog hanging onto the bird in an effort to drown him.  The bird is smart and keeps his wings spread.   

We rescued this little guy.  He was exhausted but safe so we put him in a shoe box till he could dry out and rest.  When we took the lid off later, he happily flew away.  I doubt he'll come back!

It was a relatively small pond with a nice waterfall.  We could view this from our kitchen window.  Spent many many hours watching the wildlife there including the squirrels that came for a drink.  The frogs would actually jump at the squirrels to chase them away.  We got hysterical with laughter when one squirrel was so surprised at a frog jumping on him that he jumped and landed in the pond.  He rolled over and over in the dirt to get dried off.  

I spent plenty of time laying at the edge of the pond to get some close ups.

It's hard to see in this photo but the front frog is just finishing his birdie meal.  You can just see some feathers sticking from his mouth.

The project was intended as a koi pond.  The idea of tadpoles came later.  Here the fish look pretty small.

It was great entertainment to sit on the bench to watch the activity and feed the fish.

Over the years, the fish grew!

In fact, they became too big for the pond.

It was a sad day when we returned from a short vacation to find that the pump had died.....and so did the fish.  This one's name was Hemingway.  All the fish were named after famous people.  The big white one above was Delilah.

It was a wonderful time in our lives.  Many fond memories.  There were also home built squirrel houses in the trees so we watched baby squirrels when they emerged.  It was like watching a litter of kittens on speed.  So fun!