
Monday, July 20, 2020

North Gate, Photos

Just a reminder about the north gate repairs:


One of the gate closer devices at the North gate is not working properly on the outbound side. We have put in a call to our vendor who takes care of these devices, but I do not have a service date at this time.

We are able to open and close it manually, so until further notice, the North Gate will be open from 8am to 4pm as normal. However, at 4pm we will manually close the gate, and ‘Automatic’ gate opening for outbound traffic will not be available. You will have to use the main gate between 4pm and 8am the following morning for both inbound and outbound traffic.

I apologize for this inconvenience, and will keep everyone apprised as to the gate status and when we will be back to normal operation.

Thank you for your patience.


Gary Lambert
Operations Manager

Just some photos from around the resort.  Nothing going on.  Very quiet.  Sky is quite cloudy this morning but still no rain for weeks and weeks.  These clouds look promising but.....they burn away quickly when the sun pops through.  We did see a beautiful rainbow last night even though it didn't rain.

Street repair is complete by the big water main break.  Let's hope it stays fixed now.  It has certainly been a trouble spot over the years.

Mouse loves nice warm sheets just out of the dryer.  Guess we'll have to wait a while to make the bed.  😉