
Saturday, July 25, 2020

Happy Birthday to ME

Happy Birthday to ME!!  I'm happy to be able to celebrate another year today.
Although I'll need a bigger cake pretty soon.  😨

It's getting harder and harder to come up with news for the blog this summer.  It's also hard to fight boredom but I assume I share that with most people these days.  I so enjoy getting email from readers and hearing your summer stories.  Some can't help but rub in how they're enjoying their COOL temps while we swelter down here although many also write about constant rain and storms with muggy high humidity.  

We had  a "chance" of rain last night but again it bounced around Casa Grande without a single drop. 

Our housewatch service is a real life saver for us as it gives us a daily purpose and something to occupy time.  There's always something to find or report.

An air conditioner will quit so we have to call for service.  Have had six incidents like this already this summer.  Luckily none needed replacement and were able to be repaired. 

We find a flooded street now and then when someone's irrigation system goes haywire.  We take photos and forward them to Donna Kenner who rapidly sends one of our landscapers out to solve the problem.  Donna does an excellent job of getting the problem solved.  She probably hates opening her email and seeing a message from me as it always means work!

We followed the Weed truck yesterday.  This contractor is here quite frequently and watches for unwanted sprouts of weeds.  GREAT SERVICE!

I "think" the golf course was watered in years past but it is certainly brown this summer.  Just the greens are kept green.

It doesn't seem the best year for fruit trees either.  Some are doing well but others are taking the year off without much product.

I pull weeds from many potted plants along our route so the weeds don't rob the plant of precious water.  But ONLY if I have a pair of gloves along.  Weeds are not friendly.  They're either prickly or they emit a milky sticky crud.

Kat has now gotten used to his harness and loves to sit outside without the cage.  Mouse is NOT willing to be harnessed.  No way!  So it is cage life for him when outdoors.

Thanks for stopping by.  Feel free to write back and say hello from wherever you are.